Post 178 and 4th District Orator Wins 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest

Post 178 and 4th District Orator Wins 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest

Ms. Scarlett Rae Sweckard, winner of the 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest, holds a check representing her scholarship winnings.

On February 1, 2025, Scarlett Rae Sweckard, a junior at Frisco ISD Reedy High School, was announced the winner of the 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest in Denton, TX. Scarlett had previously successfully competed in the American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 and the 4th District contests and now advances to the State competition in Lubbock, TX on February 17, 2025. 

The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program began in 1935 and encourages high school students to study the U.S. Constitution and improve their public speaking skills.  Contests are held annually for area high school students to encourage and develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution. Her extraordinary speaking style and skills as well as her in-depth demonstrated knowledge of the US Constitution resulted in her first-place finish.   

For winning the 1st Division contest, Ms. Sweckard won $3,500 scholarship funds. To date she has accumulated more than $4,500 in scholarship funds to be used at the college of her choice. 

Post 178 members join the Frisco ISD and the broader Frisco community in expressing its pride in her accomplishments and best wishes for continued success at the State contest and beyond.  

Since Post 178 was formed in 2014, its post contest has advanced three contestants to the State contest.

North Texas Veterans Information Event Announcement

North Texas Veterans Information Event Announcement

The North Texas Veterans Experience Action Center along with VA, state, and community partners will host a virtual event on Tuesday, July 18th – 20th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CDT for North Texas Veterans, caregivers, Service members, survivors, and family members to help you get the services and benefits you’ve earned!

Are you looking to get a status on your claim or sign up for VA health care? Whatever it is, VA and partners are here to help.

Simply schedule an appointment to speak directly with VA and get dedicated one-on-one service. At the time of your appointment, a Veterans Service Officer will call you—via telephone—to kick off your appointment. We look forward to connecting with you!

Veterans who don’t have access to a telephone to receive their VEAC appointment call can visit VA sites where phones will be provided. Visit the registration page for more information.

Registration runs through Sunday, July 16th. Appointment availability is limited and please note this event will serve residents of North Texas counties only—all out-of-area registrations will be canceled. For a list of participating counties, and to register for the event, visit the North Texas VEAC registration link.

Lebanon Trail HS Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Color Guard Posts The Colors at City Council Meeting

Lebanon Trail HS Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Color Guard Posts The Colors at City Council Meeting

Photo Caption (L -R) Jeff Cheney, Mayor, City of Frisco: Major Gary Billings, Senior Military Science Instructor: Cadet Ensign Jake Tramel (Sr, Lebanon Trail HS):  Cadet PO3 Avi Kilaru (So, Lebanon Trail HS): Cadet Ensign Kai Schlabach (Sr, Reedy HS): Cadet PO3 Kimberly Sullivan (So, Lebanon Trail HS): Cadet Ensign Karina Roberts (So, Lebanon Trail HS).  Photo by Larry Wilhelm.

The Lebanon Trail HS Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Color Guard was honored to post the Nation’s Colors at the February 21, 2023, Frisco City Council Meeting.  Since the Colors are not frequently formally posted at council meetings, it was a special opportunity for the cadets.

The five-member guard posted the United States, Texas State, and City of Frisco flags.  Major Gary Billings, USMC (Retired), Senior Military Science Instructor, assisted with pre-ceremony planning.

After the Pledges of Allegiance, Mayor Cheney invited Major Billings and Guard members to join him on the stage.  Major Billings then provided a brief overview of the Cadet Corps Program for the audience.

Shortly after the Frisco ISD Cadet Corps program was introduced, American Legion Post 178 began a strong supportive partnership.  Post members Larry Wilhelm and Ed Reed assisted with event coordination.  Special thanks to Holly McCall, Sr. Administrative Assistant to the City of Frisco Mayor and Council, for scheduling arrangements.

State of the Navy National Defense Cadet Corps  Shared at Post 178 Membership Meeting

State of the Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Shared at Post 178 Membership Meeting

Photo Caption (R – L) Commander John Strammreich presented the Post 178 donation to Major Gary Billings,  Senior Naval Science Instructor, with support from Cadet LTJG Charlotte Gallen (Sr. Wakeland HS), Cadet ENS Jake Tramel (Sr, Lebanon Trail HS), Cadet ENS Kai Schlabach (Sr, Reedy HS), Cadet Chief Joshua Dawson (Jr, Reedy HS), and Anchor Club President, Mrs. Jennifer Tramel. Photo by John Brady.

Major Gary Billings, USMC (Retired), Senior Naval Science Instructor, along with four cadets from the Lebanon Trail Navy National Defense Cadet Corps, were special guests at the Post 178 February Membership Meeting.  The four cadets represented the key officer and enlisted positions of the Cadet Corps.

Major Billings, who provided a similar program overview in 2022, shared details of the 2022-23 program, including enrollment, goals, activities, and competitions.  Major Billings said, “The program strives to instill ideals of leadership, character, honor, and service… the same ideals supported by the American Legion youth programs.”  He also shared that awareness of the Cadet Corps has improved significantly since its inception in 2020.  For the third consecutive year, the number of cadets participating in the program is expected to increase, with next year over 100 cadets expected to participate.

Post Commander John Stammreich presented a $1,000 donation to Major Billings and the Anchor Club booster to support the Corps’ current programs and planned activities.  Commander John Stammreich said “Post 178 is honored to partner with the Cadet Corps and Anchor Club to support the Frisco ISD women and men cadets.”

Post 178 Names Speech Contest Winners

Post 178 Names Speech Contest Winners

Photo , – (L-R)  Cooper A Cobbs- Cobbs Homeschool, Caedmon McCoy-McCoy Homeschool, Kaaviya Shenbaharaman- Plano West Senior High School PISD, Pranav A Kalkunte-Independence High School FISD.  Photo Credit: John Brady

Four high school students from the Frisco area were named winners and received $250 college scholarships at the American Legion Post 178 Oratorical Scholarship Contest. The competition was held at The Grove at Frisco Commons on Saturday, December 10. The four orators will now compete at the district contest in Royse City on January 7, 2023, with other post winners from the 4th District.

Each contestant delivered a prepared oration as well as an oration on a randomly assigned constitutional topic. The four winners were: Cooper A Cobbs- Cobbs Homeschool, Caedmon McCoy-McCoy Homeschool, Kaaviya Shenbaharaman- Plano West Senior High School PISD, Pranav A Kalkunte-Independence High School FISD

The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program began in 1938 and encourages high school students to study the U.S. Constitution and improve their public speaking skills. Post 178 annually holds this contest for students in the Frisco area to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution. The contest presents an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of American citizenship.

American Legion Post 178 Wins National Media Contest For The Second Year

American Legion Post 178 Wins National Media Contest For The Second Year

The American Legion, Peter J Courcy Post 178 website ( was awarded first place in the 2022 The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) national media contest. This is the second year in a row that the Post 178 website has won this award.

TALMA is comprised of current members of all branches of the American Legion Family. Four website categories based on membership size were judged on site design, links, and appropriateness of information as it related to the American Legion Family. Since Post 178 currently has more than 600 members, it was judged in the 250–749-member category.

Other categories included membership sizes of up to 249 and over 750. The Public Relations Committee, which maintains the site, includes veterans Eric Bonar, Larry Wilhelm, Terry Meyering, and Ed Reed. Delbert Parsons, Post 178 Commander, said “I am so proud of our public relations committee. It’s a challenge to win this award once, but twice in a row speaks to a great team effort.”

The website stood out in its ability to convey information in an appealing modern format. It masterfully combined visual appeal with ease of use and easily highlighted current news and updates.