Post Officers
Joanne Schumm
Post Commander
The Post Executive Officer who presides at all Post Executive Committee and General Membership meetings and is responsible for the supervision of its business and affairs.
Jose Torres, Sr.
Maintains a complete record of all meeting proceedings, issues membership cards, handles transfer certificates, issues annual membership reports, and handles all post correspondence.
John Brady
Vice Commander – Public Relations
Promotes public support of the post’s mission and image through multiple local media contacts and by local publicity and promotion of the post’s programs and activities.
Public Relations Chair
Thor Anderson
Vice Commander – Post Activities
Plans, coordinates, and schedules member involvement in social activities and community events that promotes enjoyment and camaraderie.
Terry Gilbert
Vice Commander – Programs
Manages and oversees the successful annual implementation and completion of the six (6) key post programs: American Legion Riders, Boys State, Law & Order, Oratorical Scholarship, School Awards, and Scouts BSA.
John Stammreich
Vice Commander - Membership
Manages all aspects of post membership including the preparation and execution of an action plan for the recruitment of new members and retention/renewal of current members.
Jeff Magargle
Finance Officer
Manages all post finances, deposits, and monthly financial reports. Includes obtaining bonds/ liability insurance, completing tax form filings, and chairing the Budget Committee.
Budget & Finance Committee Chair
Hiram Sasser
Judge Advocate
Supplies professional legal advice regarding post business, chairs a committee for changes to the constitution or by-laws, and chairs the Audit Committee.
Audit Committee Chair
Constitution & By-Laws Committee Chair
Delmon Outland
Promotes the spiritual welfare of the post’s members and offers divine but non-sectarian service at dedications, funerals, and public functions.
Benevolence and Member Outreach Committee Chair
Fred Rogers
Service Officer
Assists all veterans and their dependents with their lawful rights and benefit claims
Bill Drake
Larry Wilhelm
Executive Member
Communicates with and represents the general membership at Post Executive Committee (PEC) meetings and brings forward members’ suggestions, issues, criticisms, and praises.
Executive Member
Communicates with and represents the general membership at Post Executive Committee (PEC) meetings and brings forward members’ suggestions, issues, criticisms, and praises.
Ed Reed
Immediate Past Commander
Actively participates as a valuable resource to the Post Executive Committee by providing continuity, guidance, and counsel to the post leadership.