
Post 178 is committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs advocating patriotism and citizenship in our community. A wide range of programs are offered and includes:

American Legion Riders
Consists of members who take to their motorcycles and raise thousands of dollars for various post and local programs. The Riders participate in many annual community programs.

Boys State
Highly selective and participatory event for high school juniors that exposes students to the rights and privileges, duties, and responsibilities of a United States citizen.

Color/Honor Guard
The Color Guard presents the Colors at community events and post functions in Frisco and surrounding area.  The Honor Guard performs funeral/memorial services for area veterans and members of Post 178 upon request.

Law & Order
Identifies, selects, and honors community law enforcement, firefighters, and first responders.

Legislative & Voter Registration
Monitors national, state, and local legislation and encourages members to contact their congressional representatives; plans “Get Out the Vote” registration events.

Oratorical Scholarship Contest
An academic speaking challenge for high school students, 9th-12th grade, to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the U.S. Constitution.

Scouting BSA
Develops young people in achieving full physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual potential as individuals and as responsible citizens and members of the community.

School Awards
Develops six core qualities in students and awards those selected by teachers and counselors.

Service Flag Detail
The Service Flag Detail works in conjunction with the Color Guard. When the Color Guard presents the Colors at an event, the Service Flag Detail carries each of the military branch’s flags.

Veterans Assistance
Assistance for all veterans and their dependents with their lawful rights and benefit claims.

Wreaths Across America
Assists with the annual distributing, laying, and retrieving wreaths at the D/FW National Cemetery.

Responsible citizenship: the center of Americanism youth programs video
The American Legion has created a video about its youth programs and the one common denominator they all have – responsible citizenship. The video also highlights why those who served in the U.S. military and continue their service through membership in The American Legion have a stake in the youth programs that develop future leaders.

Follow this link to view the video.