by larryw | Jan 20, 2021 | American Legion Post 178
On Jan. 5, President Trump signed into law H.R. 7105, the “Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvements Act of 2020,” which was passed by Congress in late December.
The legislation is the culmination of two years of bipartisan work. Many feel there is something in the bill for just about every one of our nation’s veterans and their family members.
The legislation includes several American Legion supported bills that were pending in the 116th Congress. To read more about this new law click here.
by larryw | Jan 18, 2021 | American Legion Post 178, Press Release
(L to R) Scout Pack 178 brothers Zack (13) and Max (15) Moland pay respects at gravesite of CPL Peter J. Courcy, the namesake of Post 178, during 2020 Wreaths Across America activities at DFW National Cemetery (2020 Photo by Michael Moland)
Despite COVID-19, the National Wreaths Across America Day was carried out at more than 2,100 locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. One of those locations was DFW National Cemetery in Dallas. More than forty Post 178 members volunteered, for the seventh straight year, to support the post’s wreaths tradition.
Members volunteered on three separate occasions: first was on December 16, 2020 to unload and disburse more than 3,600 boxes wreaths, then on December 19, 2020 to assist with the placement of wreaths on the gravesites, and finally on January 16, 2021 to remove more than 36,700 wreaths from the gravesites for disposal.
 Unloading the boxes of wreaths at the various sections of the cemetery in preparation for the placement of each wreath at a gravesite. |
 When placing a wreath on each gravesite, the volunteer announced the name and details on each gravestone. |

Removing the wreaths from the gravesites and loading them on trucks for disposal.
Wreaths Across America reminds all of us how important it is to REMEMBER the Fallen…HONOR those who serve…TEACH our children the value of Freedom.
To view more photos go to
by larryw | Jan 6, 2021 | American Legion Post 178
If you are a veteran who wants to indicate your interest in getting the COVID-19 vaccine or learn more about it, go to
by larryw | Jan 6, 2021 | American Legion Post 178
The National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial in Washington, D.C., is nearing final design approval, but requires nearly $20 million more in fundraising before the project can break ground.
Located at 23rd Street and Constitution Avenue, it is just north of the Lincoln Memorial and a short walk from the Vietnam Memorial. The memorial will commemorate the Gulf War’s historical significance, as well as honor the hundreds of thousands of U.S. and coalition military personnel who served and helped liberate Kuwait.
The estimated cost to build the memorial is $40 million. More than $9.2 million has been raised, with an additional $10 million pledge from Kuwait.
In 2017, The American Legion passed a resolution supporting the memorial’s construction.
To donate and learn more about the memorial’s history and design, go to the National Desert Storm War Memorial Association’s website,
by larryw | Jan 3, 2021 | American Legion Post 178, Press Release
L to R – Ed Reed, Chairman-Oratorical Program, Harbani Kohli, 4th District Contest Winner, Fred Rogers, Commander
Harbani Kohli, a junior at Reedy High School, was selected the winner of the American Legion 4th District Oratorical Contest in Royse City on Saturday, January 2, 2021. Previously, she was selected a winner in the American Legion Post 178 contest in Frisco on December 12, 2020. For winning the two contests, she received $250 and $500 college scholarships, respectively.
Each of the six contestants delivered two orations, a prepared oration and a randomly assigned constitutional topic oration. Ms. Kohli impressed the judges with her prepared topic oration, titled “We Are the People”, and assigned topic oration, Article III, Section 1 concerning the Supreme Court.
Ms. Kohli will now advance to the American Legion 1st Division Oratorical Contest on Saturday, February 6, 2021, which will be held in the old County Courthouse in Denton, Texas.
by larryw | Jan 3, 2021 | American Legion Post 178, Events, Press Release
The American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 is conducting its 2021 membership drive. The post is one of the largest in Texas and represents one of the state’s fastest growing communities. Although the post currently has more than 585 members, it annually seeks to signup new and retain current veteran members to help support their numerous programs and activities in the Frisco community.
The American Legion is a patriotic veteran’s organization and is the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization. Each of its more than 13,000 posts worldwide is committed to mentoring and sponsorship of youth programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members, veterans, and their families.
All current military and veterans who served honorably since December 7, 1941 qualify for membership. To join visit
For questions and more detail, contact Rick Redden at 214-385-0205 or