by larryw | Oct 29, 2021 | American Legion Post 178
Veterans are invited to a casual evening benefiting the “World War 1 Mobile Museum” on November 11, 2021, from 6pm – 9pm at Verona Villa, 6591 Dallas Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75034.
Admission is free. Donations will be accepted.
Please RSVP to Keith Colley at 469-358-6580.
For more information, visit
by larryw | Oct 28, 2021 | Community, Special Offers
Veterans and families who want to help the nation’s critical blood shortage from November 1 – 23 can also receive a $10 Amazon gift card in the process by donating to the American Red Cross.
With Thanksgiving and the holidays approaching, the Red Cross urges donors to continue to make and keep appointments now and in the weeks ahead to help overcome the ongoing emergency blood and platelet shortage that has significantly impacted the nation’s blood supply. In fact, the current blood supply is the lowest the Red Cross has seen this time of year in more than a decade.
Donors are urged to schedule an appointment now by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
For more details, go to
by larryw | Oct 26, 2021 | American Legion Post 178, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy
On October 26th, National Day of the Deployed annually honors the United States military personnel deployed around the globe. The day recognizes all of the brave military personnel who have been deployed, are sacrificing, or have sacrificed their lives to defend our country. It also acknowledges their families who are separated from them during deployment and the sacrifices they make in order for their family members to serve our country.
Many deployed troops leave their families behind to serve their country. They make the greatest sacrifices to keep their country secure. A few ways to recognize their services include:
- Donate to a military organization like the USO.
- Send care packages.
- Volunteer your time and services to local military organizations.
- If you know a military family, ask what support they need.
- Offer to support military personnel who have no family.
by larryw | Oct 25, 2021 | American Legion Post 178
For the seventh year, Post 178 will provide needed hygiene, clothing, and other personal items through donations for the 117 veterans that reside at the Texas State Veterans Home in Bonham, Texas. Please help by donating either by mailing a check to Terry Meyering, 7763 Sunflower Way, Frisco, TX 75033 or going online to – just select Bonham State Veterans Home. Cash, and purchased items should be turned in at the November 15, 2021, membership meeting, held at The Grove at Frisco Commons, Commons Hall, 8300 McKinney Road, Frisco, Texas 75034. You may also bring a check if you have not already mailed it in. 100% of donations to this fund will go to the Bonham Veterans Home. These veterans will appreciate your generosity. No donation is too small, and all are appreciated.
Donation Items Needed for Bonham Veterans Home
- Small snack cakes, jellybeans, chips
- Small individual packages of snack food
- Crossword puzzle books; magazines
- New men’s undershirts, sizes L & XL
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Chocolate and hard candy
- Hairbrushes
- Pull over hats and gloves
- Cans of nuts & popcorn
- Bars of Soap
- Puzzles
- Lap Blankets
- Hand Lotion
- Chapstick
- Shampoo
by larryw | Oct 22, 2021 | American Legion Post 178

by larryw | Oct 17, 2021 | Community, Events

October 26, 2021
8:45am – 4:00pm CDT
Military Veterans, First Responders, Active Military Servicemembers, Healthcare workers and Spouses are invited to a one-day Benefits & Resource Fair. The Dallas Police Department, the Texas Veterans Land Board, VA North Texas Health Care System, and Dallas County Veterans Services are sponsoring the event. More than thirty-five organizations will participate.
The fair will be held at The Frontiers of Flight Museum at Love Field, 6911 Lemmon Avenue, Dallas, TX 75209.
Register at:
If you cannot attend and want the vendor resources emailed, please email Mallory Morris at
The event will follow current Dallas County ordinances and directives regarding COVID-19. Please bring a mask to this event.