Post 178 Fitness Walk

Post 178 Fitness Walk

Post 178 Fitness Walk on the first Saturday of each month at 8 am. We will meet at Frisco Commons Park parking lot to start our 1-mile walk, which takes an average of 21 min to complete. If you can’t make it at 8 am, join us afterward with your lawn chair and cooler for the after-walk cool-down. Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash.

Post 178 Fitness Walk

Post 178 Fitness Walk

Post 178 Fitness Walk on the first Saturday of each month at 8 am. We will meet at Frisco Commons Park parking lot to start our 1-mile walk, which takes an average of 21 min to complete. If you can’t make it at 8 am, join us afterward with your lawn chair and cooler for the after-walk cool-down. Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash.

Post 178 and 4th District Orator Wins 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest

Post 178 and 4th District Orator Wins 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest

Ms. Scarlett Rae Sweckard, winner of the 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest, holds a check representing her scholarship winnings.

On February 1, 2025, Scarlett Rae Sweckard, a junior at Frisco ISD Reedy High School, was announced the winner of the 1st Division Constitutional Speech Contest in Denton, TX. Scarlett had previously successfully competed in the American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 and the 4th District contests and now advances to the State competition in Lubbock, TX on February 17, 2025. 

The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program began in 1935 and encourages high school students to study the U.S. Constitution and improve their public speaking skills.  Contests are held annually for area high school students to encourage and develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution. Her extraordinary speaking style and skills as well as her in-depth demonstrated knowledge of the US Constitution resulted in her first-place finish.   

For winning the 1st Division contest, Ms. Sweckard won $3,500 scholarship funds. To date she has accumulated more than $4,500 in scholarship funds to be used at the college of her choice. 

Post 178 members join the Frisco ISD and the broader Frisco community in expressing its pride in her accomplishments and best wishes for continued success at the State contest and beyond.  

Since Post 178 was formed in 2014, its post contest has advanced three contestants to the State contest.

Post 178 Makes Purple Heart Monument Donation

Post 178 Makes Purple Heart Monument Donation

Post 178 Commander Joanne Schumm and Post Executive Committee members present a Purple Heart Memorial donation to John Keating, Frisco City Council Member, Place 1 and Scott Dillingham, community patriot.  Photo by Mark Hurlen.

In 2024, an idea originated to add a purple heart monument at the Veterans Memorial at Frisco’s Commons Park to honor the men and women veterans who have been awarded the medal. The memorial, originally dedicated in 2004, had been expanded over time, and now included the veterans Walk of Honor, the Wall of Honor, a Battlefield Cross, the Gold Star Family Memorial Monument, WWII Flyboy statue and information plaques on wars and conflicts since Frisco was founded in 1902.

Introduced as the “Badge of Military Merit” by General George Washington in 1782, the Purple Heart is also the nation’s oldest military award.  It is one of the most recognized and respected medals awarded to members of the U. S. Armed Forces.

The idea for the monument quickly garnered city hall and community support. The Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee (FVAC), a dedicated group of veterans and citizens supporting over 6,000 local veterans to establish Frisco as a nation-leading, Veteran-ready community, was identified as the project planning and fundraising lead with a community donation goal of $50,000.  To date, more than $42,000 has been donated.

The projected monument dedication is Memorial Day, May 26, 2025.


Post 178 Meets Frisco ISD NAVY JROTC  Cadet Corps New Leadership Team

Post 178 Meets Frisco ISD NAVY JROTC Cadet Corps New Leadership Team

(L-R) Bill Drake, Color Guard Captain, and Cadet Program Chair, LtCol Hamartrya Tharpe, USMC (Ret.), Senior Naval Science Instructor, Senior Chief Petty Officer Keven Scullin, USN (Ret.), Naval Science Instructor. Larry Wilhelm, Boys State Program Chair, and Ed Reed, Immediate Past Commander.

The Frisco ISD Navy National Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC) program was established with 69 cadets in 2022 at Lebanon Trail High School. Because of the program’s successes, the 2024-25 enrollment has grown to 124 cadets, allowing them to become a Navy JROTC program. As a result of a recent leadership team change. members of the Post 178 Executive Committee met to welcome and discuss plans with LtCol Hamartrya Tharpe, USMC (Ret.), Senior Naval Science Instructor, and Senior Chief Petty Officer Keven Scullin, USN (Ret.), Naval Science Instructor.

During the meeting, Bill Drake, Color Guard Captain and Cadet Program Chair, Larry Wilhelm, Boys State Program Chair, and Ed Reed, Immediate Past Commander, reviewed ideas that will ensure the continuation of their successful supportive partnership. The cadets frequently partner and participate in community events with the Post 178 Color Guard.

The NJROTC program and the Post 178 Americanism programs share common missions. The mission of the Cadet Corps is to motivate young people to become better citizens and effective leaders. Post 178 Americanism programs, such as, Boys State, Oratorical Scholarship Contest, School Awards, and Scouting, have an identical mission. The teaching goals of both programs are focused on leadership, teamwork, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment.

Post 178 is honored to support and partner with the Lebanon Trail High School NJROTC.


4th District Oratory Winners Announced

4th District Oratory Winners Announced

(L-R) Orators included Scarlett Rae Sweckard, Kanad S Bhandarkar, Milan G McKnight, and Saanvi Sharma.  Photo by Ed Reed.

Winners of the 4th District Oratorical Contest were announced on Saturday, January 4, 2025, at The Grove at Frisco Commons in Frisco, TX.  Four orators from Post 178 participated with two, a winner and her alternate, being selected. The winner received a $500 college scholarship to any college of her choosing.

Each contestant delivered a prepared 8–10-minute oration as well as a 3–5-minute oration on a randomly assigned constitutional topic.  The four contestants included: Kanad S Chandra, Junior at Liberty High School; Milan G McKnight, Junior at Reedy High School; Saanvi Sharma, Junior at Panther Creek High School; and Scarlett Rae Sweckard, Junior at Reedy High School.

Scarlett Rae Sweckard was announced the winner and Kanad S Chandra was selected as the alternate.  Miss Sweckard’s prepared oration was titled “In Defense of the Second Amendment.” The assigned topic oration was the 18th Amendment.

The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Program began in 1935 and encourages high school students to study the U.S. Constitution and improve their public speaking skills.  Post 178 annually holds this contest for area high school students to encourage and develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution.

The 1st Division contest will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2025, in Denton, TX.

Wreath Retirement Day – Date Changed to January 18

May be an image of text that says 'KHOИ HONOK TEЛCИ WREATHS across AMERICA HARRIET Due to inclement weather, we have made the difficult decision to reschedule the upcoming wreath retirement event until next weekend, January 18th at 8:00 AM. **All other event details (below) will remain the same** As many of you know, weather- related decisions in Texas often require action based on limited information. We did consider a delayed start but, with the numerous moving parts behind the scenes, this was not possible. We will always prioritize the safety of our volunteers, and with that, this decision was necessary.'



This event is an opportunity to come together again and honor our veterans by retiring the remembrance wreaths. It’s a family-friendly activity, so feel free to bring your loved ones, including children. The work is light, and many hands make it even more enjoyable!

What to Bring:
  • Work Gloves – Essential for handling the wreaths.
  • Broomsticks (without the broom) – Surprisingly effective for gathering multiple wreaths at a time.
  • Garden Wagons (if you have one) – Great for transporting wreaths to the roadside in each section.
  • Trucks and Trailers – While box trucks will be onsite, additional vehicles are always appreciated.
  • Start in any section, ideally where you laid wreaths.
  • Use broomsticks to gather wreaths and stack them near the road.
  • Trucks will transport the wreaths to the dumpster south of the Administration building in the new pit area. Volunteers will be available to guide you.
  • Please park on the right side of the road to ensure enough space for trucks to pass.
      **ONE-WAY traffic will be observed throughout the cemetery for safety and efficiency**

Additional Opportunities:

This holiday season has been challenging for many North Texans. On January 11th, let’s continue spreading kindness by bringing non-perishable food items. A collection truck will be stationed at the main entrance to receive your donations as you come in Saturday.