2022 Oratorical State First Runner Up Shares Experiences With Post 178 Members

2022 Oratorical State First Runner Up Shares Experiences With Post 178 Members

Terry Gilbert, Vice Commander, and Oratorical Program Chairman presented Emma red roses and a Post 178 coin after her presentation.

Miss Emma Ko, a senior, home school, graciously shared her 2022 oratorical contest experiences with members at their April membership meeting. Miss Ko participated in the contest for the past two years. In 2021, she participated in the district contest, but in 2022 she progressed to the department finals where she finished as first runner up.

At each contest, Miss Ko delivered two orations; a prepared oration and a randomly assigned constitutional topic oration. She impressed the judges with her prepared topic, “The Humble Article” and multiple assigned topic orations.

During her presentation, Miss Ko commented that the positivity shared by post members at each contest level was immensely helpful to her performance. She also commented that the frequent communication with Terry Gilbert, the 2022 Oratorical Committee Chairman, was also extremely helpful. Finally, she felt that her experiences would have a significant, positive impact on her future goals.

For her performances in the four contests, she received college scholarships totaling $5,000. For her outstanding oratory performances, she was recognized by the Frisco City Council and Mayor Jeff Chaney who presented her a Certificate of Achievement.

Post 178 is enormously proud of Emma and wish her every success in her college endeavors.


Post 178 Oratorical Winner Selected First Runner Up in American Legion State Contest

Post 178 Oratorical Winner Selected First Runner Up in American Legion State Contest

Emma Ko, a senior, home school, was selected as the first runner-up from four orators in the American Legion Department of Texas Oratorical Contest in San Antonio on Monday, February 21, 2022. She is the second orator since Post 178 was chartered in 2014 to compete for the state title.

Previously, she was selected a winner in the Post 178 contest in Frisco, the 4th District contest in Royce City, and the 1st Division contest in Denton. For winning those three contests, she received scholarships totaling $3,500. Including her $1,500 scholarship for being selected as first runner-up, Ms. Ko has earned scholarships totaling $5,000.

If for any reason the winner is unable to compete in the national contest, Ms. Ko as the department first runner-up may be substituted for the winner in Indianapolis, Indiana in March.

Post 178 Oratorical Winner Wins 1st Division Contest

Post 178 Oratorical Winner Wins 1st Division Contest

Members of Post 178 Post Executive Committee congratulate Miss Ko for winning the 1st Division Contest. Photo by Ed Reed.

Emma Ko, a senior, home school, was selected the winner of the American Legion 1st Division Oratorical Contest in Denton on Saturday, February 12, 2022. Previously, she was selected a winner in the Post 178 contest in Frisco and the 4th District contest in Royce City. For winning the three contests, she received scholarships totaling $3,500.

Other 1st Division contest participants included orators from Post 655 in Haltom City and Post 71 in Denton. Each of the contestants delivered two orations, a prepared oration and a randomly assigned constitutional topic oration. Ms. Ko impressed the judges with her prepared topic, “The Humble Article,” and assigned topic, Amendment 3 concerning the quartering of soldiers in peacetime and war.

Ms. Ko will now advance to the American Legion Department Oratorical Contest on Monday, February 21, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas. There, four division contest winners from across the entire state will compete for the opportunity to participate in the national contest in Indianapolis, Indiana, in March.

Post 178 Oratorical Winner Wins 4th District Contest

Post 178 Oratorical Winner Wins 4th District Contest

(L – R) Emma Ko, Pranav Kalkunte, and Jedaiah Ward at the 4th District Oratorical Contest in Royce City, TX. Photo by Ed Reed.

Emma Ko, a senior, home school, was selected the winner of the American Legion 4th District Oratorical Contest in Royse City, TX on Saturday, January 8, 2022.  Previously, she was selected a winner in the American Legion Post 178 contest in Frisco on December 11, 2021.  For winning the two contests, she received $250 and $500 college scholarships, respectively.

Other Post 178 contest winners also placed in the district contest. Pranav Kalkunte, a junior, Independence High School, finished in second place and Jedaiah Ward, sophomore, home school, finished in third place,

Each of the contestants delivered two orations, a prepared oration and a randomly assigned constitutional topic oration. Ms. Ko impressed the judges with her prepared topic oration, “The Humble Article”, and assigned topic oration, Amendment XXV, Section 4, concerning presidential disability and succession.

Ms. Ko will now advance to the American Legion 1st Division Oratorical Contest on Saturday, February 5, 2022, which will be held in the old County Courthouse in Denton, Texas.

American Legion Post 178 Hosted the 2020 State Oratory Finals

On President’s Day the top student orators in the state arrived in Frisco to win the top honors in the annual American Legion Department of Texas High School Oratorical Contest. The contest was held on February 17, 2020 at Collin College, Preston Ridge Campus, 6700 Wade Blvd., Frisco, TX 75035. Post 178 Commander and State Oratorical Chair, Fred Rogers, planned the contest and was the moderator. Over the past several months in 22 Legion districts in Texas, students competed with their presentation of original speeches on the U.S. Constitution. Each of the 22 districts selected a winner to send to one of the four Legion division contests. The top four speakers from those divisions participated in the final competition. Each of the speakers completed their presentations before a distinguished panel of judges hoping to be named state champion. The panel of judges included Eileen Elledge, Jim Johnson, Jason Mrochek, Jared Patterson, Tom Smith and Paul Jones. Orators were required to create and memorize an original speech on some aspect of the Constitution with an emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government. Each used this oratory throughout the competition. An additional element of the contest required each student to deliver extemporaneous remarks over one of four amendments to the Constitution. The final standings of the four outstanding high school student participants were:

1st Tanner David Junior 3
2nd Rehan Rupawalla Senior 2
3rd Kateltynn Mitchell Junior 1
4th Carter Moxley Senior 4

Scholarships totaling $5000, along with medallions, were awarded by Department Commander Jeff Perkins.  The first-place winner received a $2,000 scholarship, second-place winner received a $1,500 scholarship, third-place winner received a $1,000 scholarship and fourth-place winner received a $500 scholarship. Mr. Tanner David, the state champion, would have advanced along with more than 50 other winners from across the U.S. to the National Competition in Indianapolis on April 18 and 19, 2020, but, unfortunately, the national contest was cancelled because of COVID-19. American Legion Peter J. Courcy Post 178 was selected to host the state competition for 2019 and 2020.  “It was a distinct honor for Post 178 to have been chosen to host such a patriotic contest for the past two years,” observed Post Commander Fred Rogers. Many volunteers from Post 178 and American Legion Auxiliary 178 assisted with preparation before and during the contest.  Additionally, a banquet for the finalists and their families, as well as many state officials and dignitaries from the Legion Department of Texas, was hosted before the contest. Learn more about the National, Department (State) and Post (Local) Oratorical Contests at:

  1. legion.org/oratorical
  2. txlegion.org/programs/oratorical
  3. friscolegion.org/programs/youth/oratorical-scholarship-competition


American Legion Post 178 to Host State Oratory Finals in Frisco

On President’s Day Weekend, the top student orators in the state will arrive in Frisco in hopes of winning the top honors in the annual Oratorical Competition of the American Legion, Department of Texas.

Over the 23 Legion districts of Texas, students have been competing with their presentation of original speeches on the subject of the U.S. Constitution. Each of the 23 districts selected a winner to send to one of the four Legion division contests. Now, the top speakers from those divisions have reached the penultimate round, and will vie on President’s Day in front of a distinguished judging panel to be named state champion. $5,000 in scholarship prizes will be awarded across the four state finalists.

The competition will take place at the Frisco ISD Administration building in the Boardroom. Orators were required to write and memorize an original speech on some aspect of the Constitution, with emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government, and have been using this oratory throughout the competition. There is an additional element of the contest where a student must deliver extemporaneous remarks over one of four amendments to the U.S. Constitution, and the specific amendment will be drawn on the day of the competition.

After winning on President’s Day, the 2019 Texas state champion will then advance to the National Competition in Indianapolis to compete against 54 other students from across the U.S., for a pool of $160,000 in scholarships.

American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 of Frisco is proud to have been selected to host the state competition for 2019. “It is a distinct honor for Post 178 to be chosen to host this highly-renowned contest,” observes Post Commander Fred Rogers.

Many volunteers from Post 178 and American Legion Auxiliary 178 are assisting with mounting the competition, as well as with a banquet for the finalists and their families on the night before the contest. During the weekend of the finals, Post 178 and the Frisco area will be host to many state officials and dignitaries from the Legion Department of Texas

The competition is open to the public, and begins at 9:00 am on Monday, February 18, 2019 at the FISD Administration Building, 5515 Ohio Drive, Frisco, Texas 75035. Admission is free.

Learn more about the State Oratorical Competition at https://txlegion.org/programs/oratorical/.