Terry Gilbert, Vice Commander, and Oratorical Program Chairman presented Emma red roses and a Post 178 coin after her presentation.
Miss Emma Ko, a senior, home school, graciously shared her 2022 oratorical contest experiences with members at their April membership meeting. Miss Ko participated in the contest for the past two years. In 2021, she participated in the district contest, but in 2022 she progressed to the department finals where she finished as first runner up.
At each contest, Miss Ko delivered two orations; a prepared oration and a randomly assigned constitutional topic oration. She impressed the judges with her prepared topic, “The Humble Article” and multiple assigned topic orations.
During her presentation, Miss Ko commented that the positivity shared by post members at each contest level was immensely helpful to her performance. She also commented that the frequent communication with Terry Gilbert, the 2022 Oratorical Committee Chairman, was also extremely helpful. Finally, she felt that her experiences would have a significant, positive impact on her future goals.
For her performances in the four contests, she received college scholarships totaling $5,000. For her outstanding oratory performances, she was recognized by the Frisco City Council and Mayor Jeff Chaney who presented her a Certificate of Achievement.
Post 178 is enormously proud of Emma and wish her every success in her college endeavors.