by larryw | May 18, 2022 | American Legion Post 178
L-R Commander Delbert Parsons, President Glena Rogers, and Mayor Jeff Cheney display National Poppy Day Proclamation.
The tradition of wearing a poppy began in 1920 when it became the memorial flower of the American Legion. This year, the American Legion and the Frisco City Council are continuing to bring attention to this symbolic flower by calling upon all Americans to honor the fallen and support our nation’s veterans, active duty servicemembers, and their families.
To highlight National Poppy Day, May 27, 2022, Mayor Jeff Cheney, on behalf of the Frisco City Council, presented a proclamation at their May 17 meeting to Delbert Parsons, Commander American Legion Post 178, and Glena Rogers, President Auxiliary Unit 178, and encouraged all citizens, residents, and visitors to join together in honoring every servicemember who has died in the name of liberty, freedom, and democracy while also showing their support for living veterans, servicemembers, and their families.
Post 178 will hand out poppies at two locations (Lowes at 2773 E. Eldorado Pkwy, Little Elm, TX 75068 and Frisco Gun Club at 6565 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75033) on May 27 and 28 from 9 am to 5 pm.
Wear a poppy the Friday and Saturday before Memorial Day as a reminder to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and as a symbol of hope for the generations to come who will answer our nation’s call to military service.
by larryw | May 15, 2022 | American Legion Post 178
On March 25, 2022, construction officially began on the Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington, Texas. A project years in the making, it will celebrate the recipients of our nation’s most prestigious military medal. It will be located near the stadiums of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys and the MLB’s Texas Rangers. It is expected to open in late 2024.
The groundbreaking ceremony included performances by the US Air Force Band of the West, the US Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, and the US Naval Academy Glee Club. As part of the groundbreaking, dirt was added to the foundation which had been sent in from all 50 states, in recognition of the sacrifices made by individuals from across the country.
The museum aims to be more than just a memorial or a symbol, however: teaching is at the heart of its mission. Exhibits and displays will tell the whole stories of the recipients. In short, the museum is about something that some would say our country needs today – patriotism. Finally, America has a museum to house vital treasures of our national memory.
by larryw | May 13, 2022 | American Legion Post 178
L-R Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gerald, Post 178 Commander Delbert Parsons, Cadet Sergeant Farhiya Hussein, Post 178 Executive Member Larry Wilhelm, and Master Sergeant Calvin Washington.

L-R Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gerald, Post 178 Commander Delbert Parsons, Staff Sergeant Juan Patino, and Post 178 Executive Member Larry Wilhelm.
The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat Battalion Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) held their 2nd Annual Pass in Review and Award Ceremony on May 6, 2022. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Gerald, US Army (Retired), Senior Army Instructor, and Master Sergeant Calvin Washington, US Army (Retired), Army Instructor, invited three American Legion Post 178 Executive Committee officers to present several awards.
Commander Delbert Parsons, and Post Executive Committee members Larry Wilhelm and Ed Reed attended the ceremony and jointly presented awards to two outstanding cadets. The American Legion Peter J Courcy Scholastic Excellence Award was presented to Cadet Sergeant Farhiya Hussein. Cadet Staff Sergeant Juan Patino was awarded The American Legion Peter J Courcy Military Excellence Award.
The Lake Highlands High School Wildcat program was established in 2019 and currently has approximately 100 cadets. The program includes numerous special teams: Raider Team, Color Guard, Drill & Ceremony, Rifle Team, and Saber Team. The battalion’s mission is “To Motivate Young People to Be Better Citizens.” More than 30 awards were presented during the ceremony which concluded with the longstanding military traditions of a Change of Command and Pass In Review.
by larryw | May 13, 2022 | American Legion Post 178
Larry Wilhelm, Executive Committee Member and Color Guard Captain and Delbert Parsons, Commander Post 178, present the American Legion Scholastic Excellence Award to Cadet Grace Yang.

Commander Delbert Parsons presents American Legion flag to Major Gary Billings.
The Lebanon Trail High School Navy National Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC) held their 1st Annual Award Ceremony on May 10, 2022. Major Gary Billings, USMC (Retired), Senior Naval Science Instructor, invited American Legion Post 178 members to attend.
Delbert Parsons, Post 178 Commander, Larry Wilhelm. Executive Committee Member and Color Guard Captain, and Ed Reed, Vice Commander-Public Relations, attended the ceremony and presented an award to an outstanding cadet. Cadet PO3 Grace Yang was awarded the American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 Scholastic Excellence Award. After graduating from Wakeland High School later this month, Miss Yang will attend the United States Military Academy in the fall.
Commander Delbert Parsons also presented an American Legion flag to Major Billings. The flag will be hung in the naval science classroom along with the United States and Texas flags.
Major Billings established the Frisco ISD NNDCC program in 2021. The mission of the Cadet Corps is to motivate young people to become better citizens and effective leaders. The teaching goals of both the NNDCC and Post 178 Americanism programs have identical focuses: leadership, teamwork, personal responsibility, a sense of accomplishment, and service to the nation. American values and patriotism are also highlighted in both programs.
by larryw | May 10, 2022 | Press Release
The American Legion, Peter J Courcy Post 178 website ( was awarded first place in the 2022 The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) national media contest. This is the second year in a row that the Post 178 website has won this award.
TALMA is comprised of current members of all branches of the American Legion Family. Four website categories based on membership size were judged on site design, links, and appropriateness of information as it related to the American Legion Family. Since Post 178 currently has more than 600 members, it was judged in the 250–749-member category.
Other categories included membership sizes of up to 249 and over 750. The Public Relations Committee, which maintains the site, includes veterans Eric Bonar, Larry Wilhelm, Terry Meyering, and Ed Reed. Delbert Parsons, Post 178 Commander, said “I am so proud of our public relations committee. It’s a challenge to win this award once, but twice in a row speaks to a great team effort.”
The website stood out in its ability to convey information in an appealing modern format. It masterfully combined visual appeal with ease of use and easily highlighted current news and updates.