Thomas Davies, a 2021 Boys Nation Senator, attended the event in Washington, D. C.
Thomas Davies, an incoming senior at Wakeland High School, was recently selected, along with eighteen other delegates from Frisco ISD high schools and private schools, by American Legion Peter J Courcy Post 178 to attend Texas Boys State. All actively participated virtually and completed the week-long educational program of local and state government instruction to graduate as Texas Boys Statesmen.
Thomas was also selected as a senator from more than six hundred Texas Boys State delegates to attend the 2021 American Legion Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. He was one of one hundred Boys Nation senators selected from more than 20,000 Boys State Statesmen from across the nation.
In Washington, Senators received an education on the structure and function of federal government, introduced legislation, organized party platforms and conventions, and participated in the election of officers. Senators were exposed to the proper method of handling bills according to U.S. Senate rules. The week of government training combined lectures and forums with visits to federal agencies, institutions, memorials, and historical spots in and around Washington. During a visit to Capitol Hill, Boys Nation Senators also met with elected officials from their home states.