Volunteers Needed for Wreath Removal at DFW National Cemetery

Saturday, January 14, 2023, beginning at 8:00 a.m.

Happy New Year to all Post 178 Legionnaires and Auxiliary Members!  I’m looking forward to serving with you all in 2023 and helping to grow our Post and Auxiliary into the finest in all of Texas.

A big thank you to our volunteers who braved the cold and either unloaded and set up boxes of wreaths or coordinated activities on Ceremony Day.  Their time and energy helped dress up our national cemetery and honor brothers and sisters who have gone on before us.  So, thank you to our Post Commander, John Stammreich; Vice Commander-Programs, Terry Gilbert; and Color/Honor Guard Captain, Bill Drake.

If you didn’t have the chance to participate in this beautiful and kindhearted annual event, you have another opportunity to help out this year, as we need volunteers to retrieve the wreaths for disposal.  Last year it took two and half hours to clear 39,000 wreaths.  This year there will be more, so plan for half a day of service.  Remember, the more volunteers we have, the faster it’ll go.  Wreath removal will begin at 8:00 a.m., Saturday, January 14th.  If you have an old broomstick (without the broom) or something similar to bring along with you and use it to scoop up several wreaths at once; makes the job much easier.  Also, bring gloves as the wreaths can be prickly, water to stay hydrated, and ask a friend to come along and join in on the fun!

For those interested in carpooling down to the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery, please meet at the northeast corner of Walmart’s parking lot, located off FM 423 at Stonebriar Pkwy.  We will leave sharply at 7:00 a.m.  So that we know you are coming and don’t leave without you, please email Joanne Schumm at joanne.schumm@gmail.com or text her at 352-281-6774.