(R – L) Members of 2023-2024 Post 178 Executive Committee include Fred Rogers, Terry Gilbert, Jose Torres, Ed Reed, Terry Meyering, Ron Bercher, Larry Wilhelm, and Thor Anderson. Not pictured are Joanne Schumm, John Brady, and John Stammreich.
Since Post 178 was chartered in 2014, membership has grown to more than 450 members, many of which reside throughout Denton County.
Dedicated to caring for veterans, servicemembers, and their families, the post also sponsors programs that mentor community youth, provide temporary financial assistance, emergency aid for disasters, and educational scholarships. It helps veterans with their VA benefits and provides volunteer services at assisted living and senior centers. Its veteran volunteers are dedicated to community service.
In 2023, the post sent 20 delegates to Texas Boys State. Since 2014, 177 Statesmen have completed our award- winning program. Our Oratorical contests have produced college scholarship winners at the post, district, division, state, and national competitions. For the ninth consecutive year, the post has participated in the Wreaths Across America program at the DFW National Cemetery to remember the fallen. In 2022, the post established a supportive partnership with the Frisco ISD Navy National Defense Cadet Corps program to provide growth opportunities.
The post also participates in the annual Memorial Day and Veterans Day ceremonies. Its Color Guard/Honor Guard posts The Colors in many local events as well.
In June, post executive committee members were elected for 2023-2024. The committee formally meets monthly to coordinate and direct the programs and volunteer efforts of the post. Ed Reed, Post Commander, said “The committee’s leadership will enable Post 178 to complete another successful year.”