(L – R) Opening remarks by Master of Ceremonies Vice Commander Ed Reed, the Honorable Forrest Beadle, Commander – Post 71 in Denton and keynote speaker, and Immediate Past Commander Fred Rogers. Not included is Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney.
A Veterans Day Ceremony to celebrate and honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice was held at the Frisco Veterans Memorial in Commons Park. The ceremony, which was hosted by the American Legion Post 178, included special guests Post 178 Past Commander Fred Rogers, Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney, and the Honorable Forrest Beadle.
Commander Rogers recognized Mr. Burnett L. Sutter who attended the ceremony. He is a US Army World War II veteran who landed at Utah Beach, Normandy, France, in June 1944. For his military service in France, he was awarded the French Legion of Honor medal in 2018. When he reached his 100th birthday earlier this year, Post 178 awarded him an Honorary Life Membership. Mr. Sutter became the most senior of the six World War II veterans in the post.
Mayor Cheney recognized Lee Mybren for being selected Frisco’s 2021 Distinguished Veteran. Mr. Myrben honorably served in the U.S. Navy as an aviation technician from 1955 to 1977. During that time, he served six tours aboard aircraft carriers, three of which were in direct support of combat forces during the Vietnam War.
The keynote speaker was Judge Forrest Beadle who presides over the Denton County Criminal Court 3. Judge Beadle served as a U. S. Army tank commander from 1994 to 2001. He currently also serves as Commander of American Legion Post 71 in Denton. Judge Beadle spoke about the importance of veterans giving back after their military service. He shared a personal story about a close friend and fellow veteran who after several war zone tours struggled with suicide caused by PTSD. He also shared successes resulting from the implementation of the Denton County Veterans Treatment Court.
The American Legion Post 178 plans to annually host the Veterans Day Ceremony to honor area veterans and their families for their service.