1st Vice Commander and Nominating Committee Chairman Rick Redden recently named two committee members: Terry Meyering, Finance Officer and Ed Reed, 2nd Vice Commander-Public Relations.
The Nominating Committee will have the responsibility to identify member candidates for the thirteen Post Executive Committee (PEC) officer positions. The term of office for all PEC officer positions is one year (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022).
An email notice of the annual election will be sent to all members around mid-April. The election and installation of officers will be held at the June 14 Membership Meeting.
All officer candidates must complete a Post Executive Candidate Filing Form and meet all the following requirements:
- Be a current (paid) member of The American Legion and Post 178
- Has completed the online ALE Institute American Legion Basic Training Course
- Has a DD – 214 on file with the Post Adjutant
- Possesses a strong desire to serve
- Is committed to performing the requirements of the elected position
- Will attend monthly PEC and Membership meetings, and
- Will participate in the post’s activities throughout their tenure
Nomination forms must be submitted no later than at the May 17 Membership Meeting.
If you are interested in “putting your hat in the ring” to run for an officer position and to request a Filing Form, please contact Rick Redden at friscolegion.1stvice@gmail.com or 214-385-0205.