On December 3, 2019 the Frisco Lakes Veterans Group presented a program to members and residents of Frisco Lakes on their 2019 accomplishments. One of their proudest accomplishments was the support of both Texas Boys State and Bluebonnet Girls State.
Two of the 2019 delegates were invited to share their story on what attending the program meant to them. Karlene Stelling, Reedy High School, represented Girls State and Preston Cook, Legacy Christian High School, represented Boys State; both made compelling presentations.
Every year the Frisco American Legion, Peter J. Courcy, Post 178 and the Post Auxiliary Unit 178 coordinate, organize, and raise funds for students from the Frisco area High Schools to be able to attend these events in Austin.
Fred Rogers, Post Commander, said, “We are sincerely grateful for the support from this fine volunteer organization.”