2024 Photos

Click on the links below to view pictures from different events The American Legion, Peter J Courcy Post 178 attended or held throughout the year.

May 21, 2024 – Boys State Orientation

May 18, 2024 – Post 178 Color Guard and Cadets presented the Nation’s Colors and Service Flags at the 34th Lone Star Corvette Classic

Color Guard veterans included Terry Gilbert, Larry Wilhelm, Thor Anderson, and Bill Drake.

Cadets that attended were Cadet Ensign Avi, Cadet Seaman Adhya Pathangey, Cadet Seaman Jackson Hillier, Cadet Seaman Aanve Pathangey, Cadet PO2 Ian Willink, Cadet Ensign Peter Eliopoulos and Cadet PO3 Jashwanth Bandlamudi.

February 24, 2024 – Lebanon Trail High School Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Military Ball

Lebanon Trail High School Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Military Ball at Stonebriar Country Club on February 24, 2024.

The Lebanon Trail Navy National Defense Cadet Corps held their first military ball on February 24, 2024, at the Frisco Stonebriar Country Club. The event was a smashing success as more than one hundred of the cadets in this year’s program attended.

Major Gary Billings, USMC, Ret, Senior Naval Science Instructor, and Lt Col Ivan Acosta, USAF, Ret, Naval Science Instructor, welcomed the cadets and orchestrated the program.  

The evening afforded the cadets an opportunity to learn about traditional formal military dining, dress, and etiquette, while at the same time enjoying the camaraderie with fellow cadets and dancing late into the evening.